Thursday, September 11, 2008

Expansion Apathy

I've been playing World of Warcraft [WoW] on and off for a couple years now. I go through periods of manic addiction, where I play for hours a day. Then after a while I get a little tired of the game, and maybe log in for half an hour, maybe an hour a day, there are some times where I don't log on for a day or two. I've also had periods where for one reason or another I've quit for a couple months at a time, only to be dragged back in due to boredom, or the expansion.

I find myself in a bit of the drag ass mood lately when it comes to WoW, like many people. I don't really see the point in raiding anymore, unless it's just to see the content, and unfortunately, my guild isn't large enough to do 25 mans with any regularity. So if I'm on, I'm farming for tradeskill materials to sell, or I'm leveling an alt through content I've seen a dozen times before.

The decision to keep my account active or to just suspend it until the expansion (Wrath of the Lich King) comes out is on my mind quite a bit lately. I use the game right now just to stay in touch with people at this point, but I can also use e-mail and AIM for that.

In the end I'll probaly keep the account active, just so I have something to do if I get bored and I want to fill my free time with something other than TV or novel. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there having the same problem. Any advice?


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Secret Invasion!

Alrighty folks this time I will be discussing Marvel’s current company spanning mega event, the Secret Invasion! I’ve had a lot of discussions with friends, co-workers and customers, so all these awesome ideas and thoughts aren’t necessarily my own original brain activity.


If you haven’t read the secret invasion yet, and you hate spoilers, I suggest you don’t continue reading my awesome blog.
I’ll start out with the several things I dislike about the Secret Invasion. First of all, I’m getting a little tired of these huge company wide, universe shattering events. It started with the House of M, then Civil War, and most recently, World War Hulk. Both House of M, and Civil War were awesome, they were interesting, original ideas (well, as original as any story can be nowadays) that actually changed the Marvel universe. I could have honestly done without World War Hulk, it was just a venue to show just how crazy badass the Hulk is, and since I’m not a big fan of the Hulk, well, I don’t need to read about how awesome he is. Add to that, the World War Hulk didn’t change a damn thing, he came in, smashed some stuff, and then got punch so hard by the batshit crazy Sentry, that he turned back into Banner, big whoop. (Please all you Hulk fans, remember, this is my personal opinion, nothing more and, if you want to bitch at me about how awesome the Hulk is, just remember, I may not care.)

My second issue with the Secret Invasion is the fact that really, nothing has happened yet. It’s half over already, and the only thing to change, was the resurrection of Mockingbird, which they then showed was all bullshit anyway as she was a skrull, and Hawkeye had to kill her. Yes, Nick Fury is back, (which I’ll talk about later) which is awesome, but we all knew he was coming back. Yes, the entire world is being taken over by Skrulls, but so far, nothing has changed; except for in one book, Captain Britain and the MI13. I was totally taken by surprise by that book, it’s amazingly awesome, and if you haven’t read it yet, please do so. (I won’t reveal any of the awesomeness, in case you folks haven’t read it, but trust me, it’s really good)

As a whole, even with the issues I stated above, I have been enjoying the secret invasion, there’s a lot of action, one of my favorite characters ever, Nick Fury has made a triumphant return. He bursts in on the action in New York with a huge fucking gun, and his “Commandos” a group of superhero heirs and misfits he collected to combat the invasion. I’ve always enjoyed the skrulls, even though they’re more often than not portrayed as almost a joke. They’re finally being shown as total the total badass aliens I knew they could be. Even though some of the “super skrull” soldiers look a little silly with certain combinations of powers, as a whole, I’m impresses at how they’re portraying the invasion force.

I’ve never been a huge fan of Lienil Yu, the artist in charge of the Secret Invasion main title. I have to say though, I am really enjoying his style in this book. It may be because his inker and colorist are doing wonderful things to make his art look clean and not so rough and sketchy.

Ok, I’m going to cut this off before I make anyone’s eyes bleed because of the wall of text. I just want to close this by saying that even though I have several issues with the series, I am really enjoying the Secret Invasion so far, and I am looking forward to see where it goes. I’ll write another blog when it’s all done to give you my full assessment of the series. Thanks again for slogging through my huge wall of text, and if you have any suggestions on how I can be a better blogger, please feel free to write me scathing comments! Have a good one!
